• Implementation Support Agency (ISA): World Bank
  • Total project financing: $200 million
  • Funding from GCFF: $52.3 million
  • GCFF Financing Approval Date: 10/29/2017
  • Project Closing Date: 05/31/2025
  • % Disbursed: 84%
  • Status: Under implementation
Jordan Education Reform Support Program

About the project

Despite strong economic and social progress in previous decades, Jordan continues to face challenges that have been amplified by the Syrian refugee crisis. The PforR Program supports a sub‐portion of the government program (NESP) across four key Result Areas. These Result Areas fall under the access and quality themes for ECE, basic, and secondary education. The strategic objectives of the government program encompass access, quality, accountability, and innovation in ECE, basic, and secondary education. The PforR Result Areas have been selected to leverage key MOE interventions that will be critical on achieving the goals of the NHRDS. The first Result Area is expanded access and improved quality of early childhood education. The second Result Area aims to achieve improved teaching and learning conditions. The third Result Area is a reformed student assessment and certification system that will focus on strengthening the MOE’s ability to measure and monitor student learning at all grade levels and to bridge the gap between learning and certification. The fourth Result Area is strengthened education system management by focusing on supporting MOE and strengthening its capacity to manage an increasing number of schools and students, notably due to the expansion of early childhood education and to the enrollment of a large number of refugee children in Jordanian schools.

Project Development Objective (PDO)

To expand access to early childhood education, and to improve student assessment and teaching and learning conditions for Jordanian children and Syrian refugee children.

Project Implementation Status
(As of December 31, 2022)

  • Overall implementation progress remains moderately satisfactory. The World Bank received a formal request for revisions to several Disbursement-Linked Results (DLRs) and amendments to the technical assistance portion of the program. These changes will not affect the Project Development Objective (PDO) nor the PDO indicators but reflect lessons learned during implementation.
  • In terms of implementation progress, under Results Area 1 (early childhood education), the draft quality assurance standards are currently being piloted after completion of an inception report detailing progress to date and a pilot implementation plan. On expansion of public ECE services, the World Bank continues to support MOE in the formulation of an action plan to identify the most suitable areas to expand provision. To better understand the landscape of potential expansion of private provision under a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) modality, a survey in Irbid and Amman will commence in February 2023.
  • Under Results Area 2 (improved teaching and learning conditions), several DLRs are currently under verification review, including the number of teachers evaluated against the National Teacher Professional Standards (NTPS), the number of teachers trained and certified in compliance with the NTPS, and the number of teachers meeting minimum socioemotional practices.
  • Under Results Area 3 (student assessment and certification system), firm procurement for the development of an overarching assessment strategy will be reinitiated after the Ministry of Education decided to cancel the current firm’s contract due to poor performance.
  • Under Results Area 4 (education system management), a firm has been hired for the development of a blended learning strategy and it has completed its first two deliverables, prerequisites for development of the actual strategy.